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Gender and Sexuality

Gender and Sexuality are topics that are being widely talked about in the social sector today. As Christians, I don't think it would be short-sighted to say that many of us are struggling with the direction of our culture while others of us are embracing it. And as we've talked about over the last year, much like other areas of life, it's easy to fall into one of two extremes as we approach the topic. The arguments for either side can be pretty convincing. But what does the Bible actually say about it all? And how can we, as followers of Christ, step into it all with both grace and truth? As we attempt to approach the topic in humility we want to make one thing clear: This is not about an issue. It's about people. We hope you can join us.

August 29th - A way forward

August 15th - The Blueprint

July 25th - Authority and Identity