Our Vision

Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish..."

Andy Stanley writes that "Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction of what should be."

Here at the Bridge, our leadership team has spent a considerable amount of time asking God to reveal a vision to us of who we are supposed to be, what we are called to accomplish, and who we are called to reach. The following page briefly describes that vision for The Bridge Church.

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Mission, Vision, & Strategy

Our Mission: Connect People to God

Our Vision: 1,000 People Connecting with God through The Bridge Church by 2028.

Our Strategy: Empowering people to become fully engaged disciples of Jesus Christ.

A fully engaged disciple of Jesus Christ exists to worship, grow, serve, give, and multiply.

Three-Phase Building Plan

Phase One Progress:

Amount Needed: $250,000
Amount Pledged: $201,274.09
Amount Received: $101,331.80

Phase One - Paving the Way

  1. Final Building Renovations

  2. Lot Expansion

  3. Debt Reduction

Phase Two - Shift Our Focus (2-3 Years)

  1. Shift Housing

  2. Shift Offices

  3. Shift Classrooms

Phase Three - Build a New Bridge (5-6 Years)

  1. New Building

  2. Lot Expansion

  3. Old Building Becomes Family Life Wing

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